Logan Northwest Field Irrigation Company
Annual Meeting – April 4, 2022
Richard: Called the meeting to order and introduced the board members.
Merrilee: Read the minutes from the 2021 annual meeting and went over the income statement for 2021. Dean Quayle moved to accept, Mr. Baugh seconded, passed. (Sid explained the reason for the secretary increase in pay as many hours spent in getting records on the computer).
Richard: Discussed expenses will be up for the 2022 year because of tree removal and some maintenance project that have been completed and some that are still being worked on.
Re-election of Directors for 3-year term held:
Gordon Coulsen, Spencer Wright motioned for re-election, Dean Quayle seconded – passed
Denny Shupe, Mr. Baugh motioned for re-election, seconded – passed
Gordon: Introduced Spencer Wright as the new Water Master (253-777-2923) please get in touch with him not Logan City for any canal issues.
Richard: Introduced Hart Wybrow from Logan City (Street Department) who has been helping us with several clean up and maintenance issues the past several years and continues to meet and help in many areas of keeping the canal water running.
Sid: Discussed walk-through and projects that have happened this year including the erosion project on 4th N and 300 W. Between 6th and 8th will work on next year.
Gordon: Talked about the water outlook for this year. Snowpack is at 80%, which is good, but we still need to be vigilant about conserving water and keeping the canal clean of debris.
Board: Discussion held that Water Master, Spencer, will be in charge of putting board in and pulling them out, he is the only one that will be allowed to do it this year. This will ensure that everyone gets the correct amount of water when it is their turn.
Cleaning date will be April 16th at 8:00 am – meet at Anderson Mill
Gordon: Update on the Crocket Ave. Project (Logan River Water Shed Project)
Several phases were discussed and how different sections of the canal would be affected. Nate Daugs from Cache County Water District answered questions to help members better understand what our costs as a canal company would be. We will need to vote later in the year after more information has been obtained on amount and more details. Tabled until then.
Dismissed: Richard